PRESS RELEASE: Sep 6th, 2022

Healthy Workers Joins the Smart Building Collective

Smart Building Collective is pleased to welcome Healthy Workers to the ecosystem to work together to improve the built environment to facilitate better health, wellness, sustainability, and human performance. In the end, delivering better buildings and improving the bottom line.

“We look forward to working together and contributing with Healthy Workers as part of the SBC ecosystem. Their Building Analytics & ESG performance platform helps any building establish a baseline and achieve improvements for a more sustainable footprint, while improving human health and performance. As we move away from a ‘nice to have’, we look forward to working with Healthy Workers by making sure that their level of control is a requirement for every building. Welcome to the ecosystem, Healthy Workers!” - Nicholas White, Co-Founder Smart Building Collective 

Smart Building Collective and Healthy Workers are going to focus our partnership in three primary areas. 1.) Sharing thought leadership as well as case studies / best practices with the partner ecosystem, buildings and the industry as a whole. 2.) Work with buildings and the SBC framework to encourage continuous improvement and optimization. 3.) Bring hypotheses to life through scientific data and proven metrics.

From Healthy Workers:

"2050 is coming faster than we think, in order for us all to meet health and sustainability goals, it is critical that we work together to move the needle. We believe Smart Building Collective is a platform that can help to get everyone rowing in the same direction. At Healthy Workers we are dead set on doing our part and supporting the ecosystem.

- Guus Meulendijks, Co-Founder Healthy Workers

About Smart Building Collective

Smart Building Collective was founded as an initiative to join the diverse industries involved in smart buildings to make buildings smarter, faster, and all around better together. Their Smart Building Certification methodology provides a language for innovation and appraises buildings all around the globe on the basis of how smart they are. The Smart Building Certification is: ‘Founded in Science, refined in practice and constantly optimized by our network of experts’. The SBC methodology has a strong foundation in academic research and partnerships as well as what is growing to be the largest collaborative ecosystem within the smart building space.

About Healthy Workers:

Healthy Workers creates smart, healthy and sustainable buildings. Our Building Analytics & ESG performance platform is an all-in-one data solution for building owners to enable a data-driven transformation towards digital, sustainable and healthy buildings.

For more information on Smart Building Certification or Healthy Workers, please contact:

Nicholas White, Co Founder Head of Strategy and Operations Smart Building Collective



Guus Meulendijks, Co Founder Healthy Workers

