SBC Framework

How it works

The SBC Framework is the core and base of the Smart Building Collective & Certifications. It provides a language for us all to connect to, providing each and every stakeholder the information they need to make informed decisions, innovate, and drive progress.

The SBC Framework is Founded in Science, Refined by Practice, Constantly Optimized by our Network of Experts

At the core, we have 6 themes:

We don’t treat these as a checklist but a dynamic process to score the existence and use of technology to measure how an asset functions. Functionality is based on building and real estate context, business models, and maturity of smart.

Smart Building Technology Certification, Intelligent Building Certification Process, Smart Building Certification Standards, Smart Building Certification Requirements, Intelligent Building Certification Solutions,

Building Usage

How people use the building informs the decisions of what space, amenities, system automation, and adjustments are required to better serve the needs of the users. If the needs of the user can be more effectively met, improvement to performance and cost base can be more easily realized.

Building Performance

Visibility into a building’s performance from a system perspective but also amenities, and machine management, allows optimization of operations and elimination of unnecessary costs or waste. This theme looks towards optimization of investment, improved efficiencies, consumption, and a minimization of environmental impact.

Building Environment

The physical environment of the building has never been more important than it is now. Healthy environments and more importantly data proving that environments are healthy will increasingly be required by users, building owners, and even governments.

Health, Safety, and Security

Technology is the only way we know if buildings are compliant with health and safety standards and truly capable of keeping users safe. Safety is a basic human requirement that all other aspects are built upon.

User Behavior and Collaboration

Smart Buildings are intrinsically connected to their function and the people inside of them. This theme explores how the building empowers user behavior and collaboration, supporting the maximization of value and purpose of the space.

Integrative Design and Connectivity

How well are the solutions integrated with one another and the building? The least number of solutions for the maximum benefit. Elimination of department silos and seamless system integration. Smart building and business continuity is dependent on internet connectivity levels within the building. This section explores integrative design and connectivity in detail.

What do we define as smart?

“Smart building is a constantly evolving practice of implementing, using and optimizing infrastructure to learn about and improve function, service, performance and utility of the built environment. A smart building refers to the application of data to drive autonomous controls or building automation (that brings the intelligence), through integrated design which connects systems and processes to deliver improved health, wellness, human performance, comfort, efficiency, safety and security.”

Smart Building Technology Certification, Intelligent Building Certification Process, Smart Building Certification Standards, Smart Building Certification Requirements, Intelligent Building Certification Solutions,

But the SBC Framework is different and goes beyond technology. We believe smart buildings are actually unique and dynamic human processes that are constantly evolving. In addition to the technology and integrative design, the SBC Framework measures the human process, governance, leadership and process management.

In the end, smart technology is simply a tool to achieve greater real estate and organisational results. By bringing human and technology together, we can exponentially achieve real results.

"Smart Building Collective is on the right track in creating a definition collaboratively, by bringing business, technology, and academia together in dialogue"

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If you would like to learn the details about the SBC framework and what it can mean for your organisation, get in touch here.