Smart Building Certification is pleased to welcome to the ecosystem to work together on improving the world through smarter storage, sustainable processes, and the use of technology to increase convenience and innovate business models.
“ is one of the fastest growing smart locker companies in the world. What inspires us most is the innovation that they bring to each of their customers, thinking about different processes, business models, and value drivers. This kind of thinking is exactly what we need across the entire smart building space, we are excited to collaborate and bring this way of working into the ecosystem.” - Nicholas White, Co Founder Smart Building Certification
Smart Building Certification and are going to focus our partnership in three primary areas. 1.) Educating the market on their solutions but more importantly, the endless possibilities in their innovative approach 2.) We will share case studies of integrations, to not only showcase technology but the value and innovation you can create from them 3.) And finally, research, bring hypothesis’s to life through scientific data and proven metrics.