PRESS RELEASE: March 10th, 2022

Fibree Joins Smart Building Certification Ecosystem 

Smart Building Certification is pleased to welcome Fibree to the ecosystem to work together on improving the world through innovating the next blockchain solutions for real estate. By bringing these two ecosystems together, we can further the discussion, collaboration, and adoption of blockchain solutions in real estate.

“Fibree and Smart Building Certification partnering together has immense potential for bringing the world of smart buildings and future blockchain solutions together, accelerating the digitisation of real estate with real world value cases. We are excited to be working with Jo Bronkers and his team on this incredibly exciting vision. Welcome to the ecosystem.” - Nicholas White, Co Founder Smart Building Certification 

Smart Building Certification and Fibree are going to focus our partnership in three primary areas. 1.) Proving the power of collaboration and community and quantifying the value 2.) We will share case studies to not only showcase blockchain solutions but the value and innovation you can create from them 3.) And finally, research, bring hypothesis’s to life through scientific data and proven metrics.

From Fibree:


- Jo Bronckers Co-founder & Executive board-member FIBREE


About Smart Building Certification

Smart Building Certification was founded in February 2020 as an initiative to establish an honest and independent platform that appraises buildings all around the globe on the basis of how smart they are. The Smart Building Certification is: ‘Founded in Science, refined in practice and constantly optimized by our network of experts’. The certification has a strong foundation in academic research and partnerships as well as what is growing to be the largest collaborative ecosystem within the smart building space.

About Fibree:

Founded in Amsterdam on July 9th, 2018 with the aim of bringing together real estate professionals and blockchain specialists from all over the world to exchange expertise. In a world that is increasingly impacted by technology, real estate processes will have to change too. Blockchain technology is just one, but possibly a crucial aspect of this change. The possible impact of blockchain is seen as an infrastructure component (trust carrier) and therefore as a ‚business model enabler‘. At the same time, there is still a lot of uncertainty about the real added value and applicability in real estate processes.

Increasingly, experiments are being conducted worldwide with the possibilities of applying blockchain for real estate. In addition to the many new insights about possibilities, also numerous questions and challenges come to light before application on a large scale can take place. By bringing together the expertise of pioneers in this field and sharing knowledge and insights already gained, FIBREE wants to make an important contribution to the adoption and implementation of this technology in the real estate market in the coming years.

FIBREE is aware of the current hype about blockchain technology, which does not always contribute to getting to know it better. FIBREE’s mission is to help create a realistic expectation pattern that will allow the real estate market, step by step, to discover and exploit the true potential of blockchain technology.

For more information on Smart Building Certification or Fibree, please contact:

Nicholas White, Co Founder Head of Strategy and Operations Smart Building Certification



Jo Bronckers Co-founder & Executive board-member FIBREE

