PRESS RELEASE: May 16th, 2022

Woodsense Joins Smart Building Certification Ecosystem 

Smart Building Certification is pleased to welcome Woodsense to the SBC ecosystem as we work together to improve the world through the sustainable practice of building with wood. As the industry moves back towards building with wood, education, research, technology, and best practices are a critical component to the sustainable evolution.

“Woodsense is stretching us to look beyond our current frameworks and thinking into the future innovations on the horizon. The built environment was based on wood from the beginning but is now making a comeback as the sustainable, carbon bank, and future proof solution necessary to break our current patterns. Woodsense takes the wood built world and makes it smart, supporting the maintenance, monitoring, and control to solve the complexities before they become problems. We are excited to be working with them and to embed their knowledge into the SBC framework and ecosystem.” - Nicholas White, Co Founder Smart Building Certification 

Smart Building Certification and Woodsense are going to focus our partnership in three primary areas. 1.) Educating the market on the woodsense solutions but more importantly, the evolving trends of building with wood and its benefits, challenges, and best practices 2.) We will share case studies of how the Woodsense technology supports monitoring, management, and maintenance of the build structure 3.) And finally, research, bringing our hypothesis’s to life through scientific data and proven metrics in line with building with wood.

From Woodsense:

"There is an inexplainable power in making the invisible visible and knowing a state of a building, seeing behind the walls, giving data to what used to be questions and giving answers to questions not even being asked but needed. We believe in sustainable wood buildings and we help to make them a reality.”

- Thijs van Tilburg, CCO Woodsense

About Smart Building Certification

Smart Building Certification was founded in February 2020 as an initiative to establish an honest and independent platform that appraises buildings all around the globe on the basis of how smart they are. The Smart Building Certification is: ‘Founded in Science, refined in practice and constantly optimized by our network of experts’. The certification has a strong foundation in academic research and partnerships as well as what is growing to be the largest collaborative ecosystem within the smart building space.

About Woodsense:

Woodsense has created the first intelligent IoT solution that allows real-time monitoring of wooden elements. Our sensors detect damages as they occur and send out alarms for modular wood factories, building developers or building owners.

For more information on Smart Building Certification or Woodsense, please contact:

Nicholas White, Co Founder Head of Strategy and Operations Smart Building Certification



Thijs van Tilburg, CCO Woodsense

